The municipal government today, during the extraordinary plenary session and unanimously, approved a credit amendment for a total value of 487,400.11 euros to cover the various needs of the municipal areas and the improvement of public services for 2024.
It is the fifth amendment to the appropriations of the year, borne in the form of a credit supplement, financed from the liquid remainder of the Treasury resulting from the liquidation of the previous year (RTGG), to which a local entity without public debt can financially dedicate. sustainable investments.

As explained by the councilor of Hacienda Silvia Verdú, the highest amount will cover sports works included in the Planifica plans (improvement of pavilions and the Rubén Rubén Ferrer Boj), but also other necessary actions such as investments in the replacement from weigh, in the Public lighting, in the water service, the regularization of road registration, the water replenishment, the acquisition of a plot in the new Paredón Well, the state tax on waste processing and incineration or the loan from the Mancomunidad de la Vid y el Marmer.
VOX spokesperson Sandra Rico asked "whether any of these items could have been left for the budgets, leaving the rest as a buffer" and hopes "that there will be no more appropriations changes if the budgets are approved."
Noelia Rico, spokesperson for the PP, approved the change because “we resolved the doubts these days ago and that is why we voted in favor.”
Silvia Verdú has explained that if the investments can be included in the budgets, it is because we are coming out of extended budgets for 2022, but the increases in expenditure for electricity or waste are already included in the expenditure that will be approved today, and even with that change there would still be a remnant. In fact, he has stated that “we have a forecast for the future and that if subsidies come, they will not have to be spent on paying unforeseen expenses.” In addition, “work is underway to reduce electricity bills and we are aware that this could create a new surplus.”